[ CASE ]

How we’ve boosted account of airline company in TOP-10 Russian airline accounts on instagram

[ Results ]

[ Results ]



Followers for whole time of partnership


Airline companies of the country by the number of follower 

Who are

A few words about NordStar



Nordstar is an airline company. The company has 15 range of routes.

Main Goal
  • To improve Instagram account
  • To establish an organic community
  • To establish corporate identity on Instagram

[ Instagram ]

Simple visual for Instagram account

We decided to use photos of Nordstar routes, to show happy passengers and planes. And we decided to use creative colorful design elements to attract people.

[ Instagram ] 

Publications examples

[ Instagram ]

Warming up and selling stories


Such stories helps to attract and involve people in account’s life and make them more loyal to the brand.

[ Moderation System ]

We created a team of moderators with

 in-depth knowledge about the issue

UP TO 400 Average number of requests processed

 during the pandemic per day

UP TO 500 Average number of requests processed 

during the pandemic per day

Interesting fact. Often the moderation wins over the airline contact center service. While the latter does not have time to handle

 calls, we are already responding to passengers' messages


30 000+        Daily reach (organic reach+promotion reach)
                      of account

7000+            Likes reach monthly

30+                Unique posts publish monthly

40+               Stories publish monthly

16000+         Comments for whole time of partnership

[ Instagram ]

Targeted advertising on Instagram

We decided to use:

  • geo-targeting on Instagram based on location data
  • targeted users based on travel intent & behavior
  • retargeted visitors of Nordstar’s website.


Ads Example


[ Instagram ]

We decided to hold contests to get more followers

[Sticker Packs ]

We dared and created Instagram-masks and sticker packs for messengers

[ Results ]

In just three months we've gained 125K followers with a regular monthly gain of 35K people


125,303             Followers                                    3$            CPL  ( Cost per follow )

1,500,000               Monthly reach                                15%        ER

900,000$               Earned money                            50,000$     Spent Money